Binnenhof van iedereen

Binnenhof for everyone

More accessible democracy

Walking from the Stadhouderspoort to the Grenadierspoort, you cross the heart of our democracy. This open character of the Binnenhof is unique in the world. To further reinforce that, the Central Government Real Estate Agency is adapting the areas and updating the technology in the Binnenhof.

Modifications to the area

After the renovation, the House of Representatives will be able to welcome more visitors. The areas have been designed to be able to accommodate 500,000 visitors every year. The initial number was 350,000. A considerable increase! The Central Government Real Estate Agency is therefore creating bigger entrances, more scanners and luggage lockers and wider pedestrian routes. There will be more facilities to connect the public, press and politicians. The design also includes screening rooms and meeting places. The building will be accessible for everyone.

Digital access

Through technology, the political process will become even more accessible. The last major renovations at the Binnenhof were completed before the arrival of the Internet. The meeting and committee rooms will have better audiovisual equipment and ICT facilities for live broadcasts of meetings, for example. After the renovation, digital visitors will be able to follow meetings of the Senate and the House of Representatives even better than they can now.

Senate accessible to the public

In the Senate, the public routes will be improved for visitors. A new entrance via the Hofkapel provides access to an entrance hall where visitors will be scanned. Via the public route, the visitors will then arrive in the historic Mary Stuartkabinet. Here, tour guides from ProDemos will give introductions for school classes and other groups. The public can then visit a public committee room or the public gallery of the plenary hall.

After the renovation, more committee meetings will also be accessible online.

On to the next cabinet: Specialisten - 1

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