

Modifications to the Binnenhof

The renovation is first and foremost a very extensive maintenance project. The Central Government Real Estate Agency will make repairs and update the energy supply and technical installations. The necessary functional improvements will also be made to the Binnenhof. This will enable the Binnenhof to welcome more visitors in the future. The buildings will also be made more accessible for people with a disability.

Outdoor areas

Two major changes will take place outdoors. For example, much of the old Hofgracht canal will be restored to the Buitenhof. Three new bridges will therefore be built at the Stadhouderspoort, one at each gate. In the basement of the Stadhouderlijk Kwartier, the new workplaces will get natural light from a row of windows just above the water. And on the Hofplaats, a new underground public entrance will be built to give access to the House of Representatives. The new public entrance will be bigger. There will be more scanners. These are gates to check visitor bags.


The Statenpassage was designed as a public meeting place for politicians, press and the public. However, extra security measures for the opening in 1992 made it necessary to install large windows. During the renovation, the Central Government Real Estate Agency will make modifications to make the meeting areas more spacious. Visitors, press and politicians can meet each other in new screening rooms, restaurants and other new seating areas. Entrances to other parts of the building will also be improved.   

A higher roof for building K

When the former Ministry of Colonies (building K) was completed in the nineteenth century, the residents of The Hague wondered whether the building was 'finished'. This was due to the roof. At the time, all buildings had a gabled roof. However, building K did not seem to have one, because it was hidden behind a decorative border. During the renovation, the roof will be raised slightly. This will make the attic suitable for offices. From the street, this will not be visible. 

Part of the historic canal that passes the walls of the Buitenhof will be restored to its former glory. 

What is it?

During their excavations, archaeologists occasionally find objects whose use is unfamiliar to them. They then try to estimate the age of the object, after which it goes to a specialist. This hook made from bone was found not long ago. Archaeologists are unsure what it is, and no specialist has looked at it yet. Does this hook ring a bell for you? If so, tell one of the reception staff!


Until the end of the eighteenth century, the wall of the Ridderzaal was adorned with two whale jaws. These came from two sperm whales which had stranded near Ter Heijde in 1577. The steward of the Hof van Holland, who was involved in auctioning the animals, took the jaws. Historians are uncertain why the whale jaws were hung on the wall of the Ridderzaal. Perhaps as a reference to the fact that the Ridderzaal was then used as a court of justice. The word jaw appears in a Dutch saying meaning ‘to challenge’.

On to the next cabinet: Bouwen in een monument

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